The huge leaps that science has made in the last decade are amazing and undeniable.  In this particular instance, I’m referring to genetics and genetic research.  Not too long ago, people who wanted to get a genetic test done had to pay thousands of dollars.  Nowadays, pretty much anyone can get a genetic test done. All that’s necessary is internet and couple hundred bucks. To some, this seems like a no brainer. As getting the results could help address possible or impending illness at an early stage.
 If  WARNING: Before you get your own test done (or that of anyone in your family or friends), please talk to us. 
Firstly, you should also speak with your doctor to make an informed decision.
Although there is a discussion around it, please ensure you’re sufficiently insured before you do genetic testing (Read here on How to Calculate Basic Life Insurance Need).  You should consider life, disability and critical illness before you go through the test.  If you cannot afford these types of insurance, you probably should not get tested.  Let me put it differently, you cannot not afford getting coverage before getting tested. but from an insurance perspective, make sure you are covered (policy delivered and safely stored in your drawer) before getting any genetictesting done.
If you don’t have insurance (particularly young professionals depending on employers’ coverage), talk to us.  Insurance solutions are not as expensive as commonly believed and not getting coverage on time can actually have extremely expensive consequences.
For additional information, I encourage you to  watch the following video from Global News: Genetic discrimination impacts cancer patients without insurance coverage
The banning of genetic discrimination is not yet a reality in Canada.—Poised
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