For countless kids, summer camp is a priceless Canadian experience. This is where they learn, explore and build lifelong friendships. It’s where they swim in lakes, sing around campfires, and shape the person they will become.

Sadly, Ontario’s 400+ accredited camps weren’t allowed to operate in 2020 due to the pandemic, and there’s been no confirmation so far about whether they can open their doors this summer.

Our kids have been struggling emotionally, socially, and physically from being cooped up, and attending camp would be a much-needed start to the recovery process. They need fun and friendships!

Through an initiative led by the @OCA, camps have developed a plan to safely open their doors this summer. @OCA is working with public health, government officials, and other experts to make summer 2021 safe for kids and staff at camps.

A huge thank you to Don and @Anne Morawetz of @CampPonacka for appearing in the video and sharing their thoughts on why it’s important to keep Ontario’s summer camp tradition alive.

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